life¡G300,000 cycles min ¡F (each
upright and opposite rotate
150,000/cycles) Electrical
life ¡G 300,000 cycles min ¡F (each
upright and opposite rotate
150,000/cycles) Contact
Rating¡G1 mA @10 VDC ¡F Insulation Resistance¡G¡Ö 50M
£[ DC50V ¡F Withstand
Voltage¡GAC50V 1 minute ¡F Contact Resistance¡G¡Õ 10
£[¡F Ambient
Humidity¡G¡Õ 85%RH ¡F Operating Temper¡G -10 ¢J to
65 ¢J¡F Operating
Force¡G20gf ¡F
25gf. Soldering
process¡GHand Soldering ¡G Use a soldering
iron of 30 watts ¡A controlled at 380 ¢J
approximately 3 seconds while applying solder
¡C Wave
soldering¡GWhen applying wave soldering,
the peak temperature of the wave Oven should be
set to 260 ¢J max. Condition for soldering (Wave
& Non-washable Type) Temperature
Profile¡G¡] Figure 1
¡^ Reflow
soldering¡GWhen applying reflow soldering,
the peak temperature of the reflow Oven should
be set to 250 ¢J max. Condition for soldering
(Reflow & Non-washable Type) Temperature
Profile¡G¡] Figure 2
Wave soldering ¡] Figure 1 ¡^
Rellow soldering ¡] Figure 2 ¡^