Rating: 6VDC 300mA
Electrical life: 50,000
Mechanical life £º
100,000cycles min £»
Insulation Resistance £º£¾
100M ¦¸ DC250V £»
Withstand Voltage £º
AC250V 1 minute £»
Contact Resistance £º£¼
50m ¦¸£»
Ambient Temper. £º
-25 ¡æ to 85 ¡æ£»
Operating Force £º
40 ¡À 15gf.
Return Force £º
Soldering Process: Hand
soldering £º Use a soldering iron of 30 watts,
controlled at 380 ¡æ approximately 3 seconds
while applying solder.
Wave soldering: When
applying wave soldering, the peak temperature of
the wave Oven should be set to 260 ¡æ max.
Condition for soldering (Wave & Non-washable
Type) Temperature Profile: £¨ Figure 1 £©

Wave soldering
£¨ Figure 1 £©